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PyCharm is likely the most sophisticated Python IDE. Especially when working with Django and other web application frameworks, it is second to none. This course will teach you all important PyCharm keyboard shortcuts and hence enable you to harness the full power of the IDE.
This lesson covers the most essential PyCharm shortcuts that every professional developer should know. Mastering these combinations is sure to improve your efficiency.
Even an IDE as sophisticated as PyCharm is a text editor in its core. These basic editing shortcuts will improve all your editing workflows. Most likely, you know some of them already from other programs.
It's easy to get lost when you have many tabs and files with lots of content. Use these shortcuts to find the way.
These search combinations will help you find anything within your files. In addition, this lesson will teach you how to change your content selection based on search results.
Like other Jetbrains IDEs, the PyCharm user interface comprises a number of tool windows. Being able to show them via keyboard shortcuts will speed up your workflows and motivate you to use the right tool for…
Working with complex Python code bases requires sophisticated navigation features. Master this lesson to navigate any code base with ease.
Running your code is one of the more rewarding aspects of the development process, and being able to do it without compiling is the core advantage of interpreted languages. This lesson will show you how to ru…
Finding usages of a code fragment within your code base is a very common task. This lesson will teach you all the available options to do it.
Debugging is an essential part of the development workflow. However, it is tedious to control your program's execution without knowing the relevant keyboard shortcuts. This lesson will make your debugging eff…
Refactoring is a very powerful tool that can help you improve your code base. This lesson will teach you the most powerful ways to do it.
Keeping your code organized into logical units is essential for any successful project. This lesson will teach you how to effortlessly extract code into new classes and methods.
Unlike regular editors, PyCharm offers advanced editing features specific to coding. Learn these combinations to make use of some of the more complex options.
There are many ways to navigate a complex code base with PyCharm. This lesson covers navigation features that take code source language into consideration.
Joining and splitting lines manually can require a lot of effor. With these combinations, you can do it in a few keystrokes and PyCharm will automatically make the required code changes.
PyCharm comes with several built-in information lookup mechanisms. This lesson will teach you how to use them without breaking your flow.
As an alternative to practicing your own manually created collections, KeyCombiner provides courses that group shortcuts into modules and lessons.
Taking a course mitigates the need to create your own collections and helps you get started with KeyCombiner.
Click on any of the lesson's titles to see which combinations it contains.
Click on All Course Combinations for a table of all combinations in this course. This table will also show which combinations you have already mastered. Please note that for a full list of an application's combinations, you should rather refer to it's public collection.
Use the Take Lesson buttons to start an interactive practice session. To take a lesson of an advanced module, you need to have completed at least one lesson of the previous module.
After you clicked on Take Lesson for the first time, the respective lesson will also show up in your personal lessons overview.