Slack is the central business communicaton platform of many modern organizations. It aims to replace email with something faster and more feature-rich. Take this course to tame its power and stop feeling overwhelmed.
A KeyCombiner courses comprise several lessons that are grouped into modules. Each lessons contains a small, easy to grasp set of combinations. This page shows all of a course's combinations, easily filterable by lesson or module.
The table table also shows which combinations you have already mastered.
Please note that for a full list of an application's combinations, you should rather refer to it's public collection. A course does not necessarily contain all shortcuts of an application.
The combination table supports all popular multi-selection patterns. Hold Shift for range-selection. Use Ctrl for selecting multiple areas, and drag the mouse to select adjacent entries.
Edit a combination using its -icon.
Copy the selected combinations to another personal collection via the Collect selected-button.
Click on the -icon to see past practice results for a particular combination. If you do not see this icon, it is because there are no test results for the respective combination yet.
Use the Export-button in the top-left to export the keyboard combinations in different formats. (Pro only)