Lesson: Advanced Actions

Part of course Jumpstart Gmail Productivity (Module: 4)

To round off your advanced shortcut knowledge, learn these additional formatting shortcuts. They will make the Gmail editor feel like a sophisticated text editor application.

You are not eligible to take this lesson yet. You have to complete at least one lesson of the previous module.


KeyCombiner courses comprise several lessons that are grouped into modules. A lesson contains a name, a description, and a group of keyboard shortcuts or text snippets.

You can enroll in a lesson once you have completed at least one lesson of the previous module. A lesson is completed once you mastered all but two of its combinations.

Features on this page

Use Enroll and Take Lesson to practice this lesson's combinations for the first time. Subsequently use Take Lesson to perfect your skills.

The Reset button will clear all personal modifications and reset your practice progress for this lesson's combinations

The combination table supports all popular multi-selection patterns. Hold Shift for range-selection. Use Ctrl for selecting multiple areas, and drag the mouse to select adjacent entries.

Edit a combination using its -icon.

Copy the selected combinations to a personal collection via the Collect selected-button.

Click on the -icon to see past practice results for a particular combination. If you do not see this icon, it is because there are no test results for the respective combination yet.

Use the Export-button in the top-left to export the keyboard combinations in different formats. (Pro only)