IntelliJ IDEA is JetBrains' original flagship and likely the most sophisticated of all Java IDEs. However, any IDE is limited by the abilities of its user. This course will teach you all important IDEA keyboard shortcuts and hence enable you to harness its full power.
A KeyCombiner courses comprise several lessons that are grouped into modules. Each lessons contains a small, easy to grasp set of combinations. This page shows all of a course's combinations, easily filterable by lesson or module.
The table table also shows which combinations you have already mastered.
Please note that for a full list of an application's combinations, you should rather refer to it's public collection. A course does not necessarily contain all shortcuts of an application.
The combination table supports all popular multi-selection patterns. Hold Shift for range-selection. Use Ctrl for selecting multiple areas, and drag the mouse to select adjacent entries.
Edit a combination using its -icon.
Copy the selected combinations to another personal collection via the Collect selected-button.
Click on the -icon to see past practice results for a particular combination. If you do not see this icon, it is because there are no test results for the respective combination yet.
Use the Export-button in the top-left to export the keyboard combinations in different formats. (Pro only)